For example, using a fast modern processor, Linux can provide a typical interrupt response of20 μ s, but occasionally the response can be much longer. 例如,使用快速的现代处理器时,Linux可以提供20μ微秒的典型中断响应,但有时候响应会变得很长。
The time between the arrival of the interrupt and dispatching of the required task ( assuming it's the highest-priority task to dispatch) is called the response time. 中断到达与分发必需任务之间的时间(假设分配的是优先级最高的任务)称为响应时间。
Maskable interrupt sources with the ability to preempt the kernel code and thus have a lower latency and are less subject to jitter, see Response Time and Jitter. 可以抢占内核的掩码中断源,因此拥有更短的延迟时间并且不容易受抖动,参考响应时间与抖动。
Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist ( IL 1ra) can interrupt effects of IL 1 in immunity response, infection, inflammation and injury of body. 白介素1受体拮抗剂(IL1ra)可阻断IL1在机体的免疫应答、感染、炎症反应和组织损伤中的作用。
But the traditional software time will arise the accumulative error because the time cycle is not considered perfectly, because of the interrupt response time is not confirmed, the error arose by the timer interrupt method is not rooted. 但是传统的软件定时方式由于时钟周期考虑不全容易引起累积误差,而采用定时器中断方式定时由于中断响应周期不确定性而产生的误差更具有非固定性的特点。
The author proposed a method using the interrupt-delay-queue to reduce the interrupt response time. 针对现有的实时系统内核中,由于关中断而带来的中断响应时间较长的问题,提出了利用中断延时队列来提高系统中断响应的方法。
The design of main circuit includes system startup and reset, memory assignment and management, interrupt response and management, external bus interface, clock and power control, system development and debugging function. 其中,主体电路设计部分包括了系统启动与复位、内存分配与管理、中断响应与处理、外部总线接口、时钟与电源管理、系统开发与调试功能等内容;
CONCLUSION: It is suggested that the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract environment does not interrupt rBCG expressed Der p2 from inducing immune response after oral inoculation. 结论:rBCG口服免疫后口咽胃肠道环境对rBCG生物学行为所产生的影响并不妨碍诱导理想的免疫应答。
The exact control of elevator door is realized in the way of interrupt response. 以中断响应方式实现电梯门的正常开关控制;
In the part of real-time capability testing, Linux 2.4 kernel, Linux 2.6 kernel and the improved system are compared on interrupt response time and context-switching time which are two key criterions of real-time testing. 实时性能测试部分,对Linux2.4内核、Linux2.6内核和改进系统在中断响应时间、上下文切换时间这两个实时陛关键指标上进行了对比测试。
Topically applied sublethal doses of deltamethrin can significantly interrupt male Asian corn borer to perform the sequence of behavior response to pheromone. 用亚致死剂量溴氰菊酯处理亚洲玉米螟雄蛾后,存活雄蛾对信息素定向行为反应受到较大的影响。
And then, I developed driver for keypad, the work include hardware initialize, interrupt response and connecting the keypad device to GUI device level. 然后,完成了键盘控制器的驱动开发,包括硬件的初始化,中断响应和键盘控制器与GUI设备抽象层接口的工作。
It has the merits of fast interrupt response and diverse interrupt processing schemes, is applied to the real-time embedded system with high request of interrupt delay-time. INTC具有中断响应快,中断处理方案多样的优点,适用于中断延迟要求较高的实时嵌入式系统。
To the deficiency of the existing method, this paper has proposed a method, which use backup-buffer to save the status of pipeline, can improve the efficiency of interrupt response. 针对现有精确中断实现方法的不足,提出了一种采用备份缓冲区保存流水线现场的精确中断实现方法,可以显著提高中断响应的效率。
It dispatches on whether the interrupt service routine needs the Kernel Lock. The algorithm solves the problem that the interrupt response time fluctuates fiercely which is caused by the uncertainty of the time waiting for the Kernel Lock. 该算法根据中断服务例程是否需要获取内核锁来对中断进行分派,解决了由于自旋等待时间的不确定性而造成中断响应时间波动过大的问题。
This method eliminated the influence on the interrupt response time when operating systems have to keep out the probability that interrupt modify the key data simultaneously with the kernel services. Compared with previous technology, this method is much valuable. 该方法消除了操作系统内核级操作对中断响应时间的影响,从而使得中断响应时间仅由处理器硬件决定,和以往的技术相比,具有较高的研究价值。
The interrupt cycle of the general I/ O card is at ns level, and the system realizes the control of the galvanometric scanner through interrupt response. 中断I/O卡的中断周期在ns级,通过系统实时响应中断请求来实现对振镜式激光扫描系统的实时控制。
Based on the interrupt process, the MCU system has punctual response and high reliability. 单片机系统以定时中断程序为中心,响应及时,可靠性高。
For some of the interrupts such as the APIC timer interrupt and NIC interrupt, interrupt handling procedures are directly set in the interrupt descriptor table, in order to provide deterministic interrupt response time. 把一些中断例如APIC和网卡中断的中断处理程序直接注册在中断描述符表中,这样可以得到确定的中断响应时间。
The second implementation has a novel dynamic resource level scheduler under which task groups can join and leave dynamically. Several experiments are conducted to measure system performance in various aspects such as interrupt request response time. 第二个实现采用新颖的动态资源调度,在该调度下,各个任务组之间可以动态联合和分离。
Fir-st, we analyze how KVM influences the timer interrupt response times of the guest RTOS by studying the mechanisms of both interrupt virtualization and time virtualization of KVM. 首先,文章通过研究KVM的中断虚拟化和时钟虚拟化机制,分析KVM将对客户操作系统的时钟中断响应时间产生怎样的影响。
The driver layer mostly includes the driver of the interrupt in response to read SRAM, the LCD driver and the CMOS camer initialization. 驱动层主要包括了响应中断读取SRAM的驱动,CMOS摄像头的初始化,LCD驱动。